Goals in 2023

It’s time to make goals in 2023.
(I know I’m publishing this a little late, but bear with me.)

Let me say that 2022 was a GOOD year for me. I graduated from university and started working as a freelancer. I basically sat in front of the same screen I am looking at right now, trying to create content all year. I’m not joking. My screen time on my Apple products (I have an iPhone, an iPad mini and a Mac) has increased so much.

I’m not trying to complain about the boredom of creating content here. In fact, I love creating. I started my YouTube channel in 2022 (finally). Why shouldn’t I have started it earlier? I like the process of making a YouTube video. The writing, filming, editing and putting them all together are just so satisfying!

Anyway, these are my goals in 2023.

  • Publish a video every week
  • Read 50 books
  • Complete TESOL
  • Take mom to a musical
  • Make meditation a habit
  • Study IELTS & TOEFL

There isn’t a lot. That’s because I try to focus on building a good, productive and smooth system more than goals. Goals are just a guide to make sure that I’m heading for the right path.