



What does ___ mean?


Student: I heard someone say, “Her joke made everyone giggle.” What does “giggle” mean?

Instructor: “Giggle” is a light, playful laugh. It’s the kind of laughter you can’t control when something is amusing but not necessarily hilarious. it’s something like this, “huh”.

Student: So it’s like your jokes.

What do you mean (by ____) ?


Student: I don’t get this sentence – “The concert was a real hit, but the singer was off key.” What do you mean by “off key”?

Instructor: Good question! When we say someone is “off key,” it means their singing is not in tune. It’s like when you play a wrong note on the piano.

Student: Ah! So then, I guess you are off key…

Instructor: Am I!?

How do you say ____ in English?


Student: I know it’s a simple word, but I keep forgetting. How do you say “春” in English? How do you say the reason between winter and summer

Instructor: “春” is “spring” in English.

How do you pronounce ____ in English?


Student: I like this word, but I’m not sure if I’m saying it right. How do you pronounce “chocolate” in English?

Instructor: It’s a tasty word! It’s pronounced “chaw-klet.” Make sure you say the “late” part right. Even though it’s spelled like “late”, but it’s pronounced like “let”.

Student: Oow. Chocolate.

When do you use the word / phrase ____?


Student: I heard someone say they’re “curious” about a new book. When do you use the word “curious”?

Instructor: Good use of the word! You say you’re “curious” when you want to know or learn something, like being interested or eager to find out more about a book or anything else.

Student: Oh, like when I’m curious about why the math book looked sad!

Instructor: That’s a creative way to think about it! Why did the math book look sad?

Student: Because it had too many problems!

Instructor: Haha, that’s a good one!
